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ASHBURN International Will Take Part in the PLUS-Forum in Tashkent

The International Forum "Banks and Retail: Digital Transformation and Interaction" will be held in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) on June 1, 2021. The event is held with the official support of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The program of the forum includes discussions of the most urgent issues of banking, payment industry, retail, biometrics, and information security. The organizers provide a platform for a productive dialogue between banks and retailers aimed at further digitalizing the country’s economy. Over 300 specialists, heads of major state and international private corporations, top managers of leading banks of Uzbekistan, CIS countries, representatives of ministries will gather in the forum.

BS/2 and ASHBURN International, members of the Penki Kontinentai Group, will take an active part in the PLUS-Forum. They will demonstrate innovative software and hardware solutions for the banking and retail industries at the joint exhibition booth.

“Uzbekistan, open to innovations, is one of the most priority markets for our company. There are two processing centers in the country. One of them, the Common Republican Processing Center, already uses our TransLink.iQ solution for routing transactions. With another — the National Interbank Processing Center — we are also establishing partnerships,” says Kristijonas Dunauskas, Head of Business Development at ASHBURN International.

ASHBURN International will present merchants with a functioning payment infrastructure consisting of modern cash registers, tools for acquiring network management, transaction monitoring, and fiscal data transmission.

A report “Ensuring of acquiring network operation and online fiscalization on a national scale” will be presented within the framework of the forum. It will highlight the trends of trade acquiring in Uzbekistan, as well as the specifics of the industry development on the example of a project to create a multi-bank POS-terminal management environment from UZCARD.
